Meet the Team

We place a large emphasis on team spirit. Indeed, one of our main strengths is our open, friendly culture.
Our aim is to develop an environment in which all team members feel fulfilled within the project and to ensure that the success of each contract generates the desire within the client for the relationship to continue beyond the project completion.

Ian Pritchard

Ian PritchardDirector

Mark Ballard

Mark BallardDirector

Alun Lewis

Alun LewisAssociate Director

Georgina Cleverley

Georgina CleverleyOffice Manager

Michael Dodge

Michael DodgeSurveyor

Greg James

Greg JamesSenior Employers Agent

Nigel Riga

Nigel RigaSurveyor

Matthew Hunt

Matthew HuntHousing Executive

Richard Bethell

Richard BethellSenior Employers Agent

Ryan Browne

Ryan BrowneSurveyor

John Timony-Smith

John Timony-SmithSurveyor

Peter Bethell

Peter BethellSurveyor

Glenn Terera

Glenn TereraTrainee Surveyor

Barbara Medley

Barbara MedleyAccounts Administration

Mwengwe Kapumba

Mwengwe KapumbaAdmin / PA

Kasper Zak

Kasper ZakAdmin / PA